
Prof. Hirohisa KOJIMA

Dr. Kojima is a professor at the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tokyo Metropolitan University(TMU). He earned his B.E, M.E and Ph.D degrees from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the University of Tokyo. His current research interests are dynamics and control of space robots, optimization, and chaos control. He is a Member of JSASS, a Member of JSME, a Member of SICE, a Senior Member of IEEE, a Senior Member of AIAA, and a Member of RSJ. He was an Associate Editor of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, and an Associate Editor of The Open Aerospace Engineering Journal. He is an Editorial Board of International Journal of Space Science and Engineering.

hkojima AT

Assistant Prof. Sajjad KESHTKAR

Dr. Keshtkar is an assistant professor at the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tokyo Metropolitan University(TMU). He earned his B.E, and M.E degrees from Kharkov Aviation Institute, Ukraine, and Ph.D degree from Department of Automatic Control at Center for Research and Advanced Studies of IPN, Mexico. He was a Professor at School of Engineering and Science, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico from August 2018 to July 2021. His current research interests are Aerospace Mechanisms Design, Attitude Determination and Control, Tethered satellites, and Control Moment Gyroscopes.

s.keshtkar AT

PhD Students



Graduate Students



Visual Servo Robot Manipulator Control for Debris Capture


Asymmetic Skew Angle Oct/Hex Control Moment Gyros


Space Tether Direction Reversal Control for Space Debris Disposal


Variable Structure Attitude Control of Spacecraft under Maneuvering Trajectory Constraint

Graduate Students M1


Parameter Optimization of Space Tether-net for Preventing Reshrinking Motion

Undergraduate Students


Adaptive Moment Inertia Reaction Wheel


Camera Vision Based Control of Tethered Sampler


Dual-quaterion Based Control of Space Robot Manipulator


Space Elevator Control

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