
(* indicates international conference)

*(121) Pandie, A. R., Kojima, H.: Numerical and Experimental Study on Effect of Net-bullet Ejection Angles and Initial Distances on Successful Space-Debris Capture, The 7th International Conference on Tethers in Space, June 2-5, 2024, Toronto, Canada.

*(120) Kojima, H., Aoyama, Y.: Suppression of Tether-net Shrinking Motion using Double-linked Bullet, The 7th International Conference on Tethers in Space, June 2-5, 2024, Toronto, Canada.

*(119) Anselmo Loera, A, Pizarro, E., Keshtkar, S., Kojima, H., Roman, A.; Dynamic Study of Tethered Probe for Planetary Atmospheric Exploration, 34th ISTS, June 4-9, 2023, Kurume.

*(118) Puente-Flores, A., Kojima, H., Keshtkar, S., Roman-Flores, A.: Design of a Variable Stiffness Soft Gripper for On-orbit Grasping of Tumbling Objects, 34th ISTS, June 4-9, 2023, Kurume.

*(117) Kojima, H.: Underactuated Steering Control Law for Spacecraft Attitude Control Using Two Skewed Control Moment Gyroscopes under Path Constraint, 34th ISTS, June 4-9, 2023, Kurume.

*(116) Keshtkar, S., Adorno, B. V., Kojima, H.: Exploring Task Relaxations for Collision Avoidance of Space Robots, 34th ISTS, June 4-9, 2023, Kurume.

*(115) Trivailo, P.M., Kojima, H.: Design of the Attitude Acrobatic Manoeuvres by the Autonomous Spacecraft Possessing Inertial Morphing (IM) Capabilities, 34th ISTS, June 4-9, 2023, Kurume.

*(114) Suzuki, H., Kojima, H.: Optimal Tether Deployment and Ejection Direction Control of Tether-Net via Attitude Control of Tethered Subsatellite for Debris Capture, 34th ISTS, June 4-9, 2023, Kurume.

*(113) Trivailo, P.M., Kojima, H., Marzocca, P., Aranha, S.: Inertial Morphing (IM) of Spacecraft for Efficient Swift Detumbling or Orthogonal Inversions, 20th Australian International Aerospace Congress (AIAC2023), February 27-28, 2023, Melbourne. - 6 pp.

*(112) Pandie, A.R., Kojima, H.: Allowable Initial Relative Velocity of a Net to Contact and Capture Debris, APISAT2022, Oct 12-14, Niigata (2022).

*(111) Kojima, H., Kato, Y., Pandie, A.R., Keshtkar, S.: Tether-Net Ejection Angle Adjustable System, APISAT2022, Oct 12-14, Niigata (2022).

*(110) Suzuki, H., Kojima, H.: Line-of-sight control using double-gimbal control moment gyroscope for tethered satellite equipped with tether-net for debris capture, IAC2022, Sep.18-22, France, Paris (2022).

*(109) Inoue, T., Kojima, H.: Performance Evaluation of Improved Self-Positioning Method Based on Crater Size for Lunar Landing Vehicles, IAC2022, Sep.18-22, France, Paris (2022).

*(108) Kawamoto, R., Kojima, H., Keshtkar, S.: Inverse-Kinematics Steering Law for Double Gimbal Scissored-Pair Control Moment Gyros, 33rd ISTS, Online, Feb 28-March 4 (2021).

*(107) Keshtkar, S., Tamborrell Hernandez, P., Kojima, H.: Learning perceptions of STEM students partaking in an international experiential learning, CIIE 2020, Dec 14, 2020, Mexico (2020).

*(106) Endo, Y., Kojima, H., Trivalo, P.M.: Tolerance of Ejection Direction Error of Tethered-Net for Capturing Space Debris, Latin American Symposium on Industrial and Robotic Systems, Tampico, Mexico, Oct 28-Nov 1 (2019).

*(105) Kojima, H., Nakamura, R., and Keshtkar, S: Model Predictive Steering Control Law for Double-gimbal Scissored Pairs of Control Moment Gyros, 70th IAC, Washington DC, Oct 21-25 (2019).

*(104) Ishida, T., Kariya, K., Kamata, H., Takadama, K., Kojima, H., Sawai, S., Sakai, S., and Fukuda, S.: Crater-based Optical Navigation Technologies for Lunar Precision Landing in SLIM Project, International Planetary Probe Workshop 2019, Oxford, UK, July 8-12 (2019).

*(103) Nakamura, R., Kojima, H., and Keshtkar, S: Inner-singularity-free CMG System: Double-gimbal Scissor-paired CMG and Steering Control Law, 32nd ISTS, Fukui, June 17-21 (2019).

*(102) Kojima, H., Trivailo, P. M.: Model Predictive Tether-deployment for Precise Release of Tethered Reentry Body, 6th International Conference on Tethers in Space (TiS 2019), Madrid, Spain, Jun. 12-14 (2019).

*(101) Trivailo, P. M., Kojima, H.: Enhancement of the Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics Capabilities via Combination of the Inertial Morphing and Reaction Wheels, 18th Australian International Aerospae Congress(AIAC18), Melbourne, Feb. 24-26 (2019).

*(100) Kojima, H., Trivailo, P. M.: Evaluation of Transition Performance to Jupiter Orbit Using Electrodynamic Tether System, 27th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD), Melbourne, Feb. 24-26 (2019).

*(99) Trivailo, P. M, Kojima, H.: Augmented Control of Inversion of the Spinning Spacecraft, using Inertial Morphing, 69th IAC, Bremen, Oct.1-5 (2018).

*(98) Taniguchi, C., Kojima, H., Trivailo, P. M.: Arm/CMG Cooperative Control of Space Robot Satellite, 69th IAC, Bremen, Oct.1-5 (2018).

*(97) Ichikawa, S., Arnoldo Castro, A., Johnson,N., Kojima, H., Singhose, W.: Dynamics and Command Shaping Control of Quadcopters Carrying Suspended Loads, IFAC-PaperOnLine, Vol.51, No.4, pp. 84-88 (2018). 14th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Budapest, Hungary, June 28-30(2018).

*(96) Keshtkar, N., Keshtkar, S., Moreno, J. A., Poznyak, A.S., Kojima, H.: LMI-Based Sliding Mode Control of an Underactuated Control Moment Gyroscope System, Second IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems, Guadalajara, Mexico, June 20-22(2018).

*(95) Tamakoshi, D., and Kojima, H.: Interplanetary Low-thrust Trajectory Using Earth Gravity Assist and Invariant Manifold Technique, 68th IAC, Adelaide, September 25-29(2017), Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 11, pp. 7492-7502(2017).

*(94) Trivailo, P.M., Kojima, H. : Re Discovering “Dzhanibekov's Effect” Using Non Linear Dynamics and Virtual Reality, 68th IAC, Adelaide, September 25-29(2017), Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 17, pp. 11394-11407( 2017).

*(93) Yoshimura, Y. and Kojima, H.: Optimal Fault-Tolerant Configurations of Thrusters, 31st ISTS, Matsuyama,June 5-9(2017).

*(92) Trivailo, P. M. and Kojima, H.: Simulation of Space Nets with Nonlinear Material Behaviour Capturing Space Debris, 31st ISTS, Matsuyama,June 5-9 (2017).

*(91) Trivailo, P. M. and Kojima, H.: Utilisation of the Dzhanibekov's Effect for the Possible Future Space Missions, 31st ISTS, Matsuyama,June 5-9 (2017).

*(90) Kojima, H., Hiraiwa, K., Yoshimura, Y., Hidaka, K. : Experimental Study on Line-of-Sight (LOS) Attitude Control Using Control Moment Gyros under Micro-Gravity Environment, 31st ISTS, Matsuyama,June 5-9 (2017).

*(89) Kojima, H., Trivailo, P.M., Watanabe, T., and Fujii, H.A.: Numerical Simulation of Tape Tether Deployment from Storage Container, 31st ISTS, Matsuyama,June 5-9 (2017).

*(88) Ishikawa, S. and Kojima, H.: Optimal Oscillation Suppression Control for Tether Sling Shot, Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Toyama, October 25-27, (2016).

*(87) Tamakoshi, T. and Kojima, H.: Orbital Control of a Solar Sail Using Reflectivity Control Devices Near the Earth-Moon L2 Point, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 2016, Long Beach, California, September 14, (2016).

*(86) Trivailo, P. M. and Kojima, H.: Launches and Captures of the Space Frisbees: Dynamic Modelling and Simulation, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-11 (2015).

*(85) Trivailo, P. M., Kojima, H., Shen, J. and Han, F.: Dynamics of the Net Systems, Capturing Space Debris, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-11 (2015).

*(84) Ozaki, T. and Kojima, H.: Fault-Tolerant Steering Control Law for Adaptive-Skew Control Moment Gyros, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-11 (2015).

*(83) Kido, A. and Kojima, H.: Modeling of the Behavior of Magnetic Particles inside a Robotic Gripper System for Active Space Debris Removal, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-11 (2015).

*(82) Kikuchi, T. and Kojima, H.: Analysis of Deployment Behavior of Insect Wing-inspired Space Inflatable Structure, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-11 (2015).

*(81) Kojima, H., Trivailo, P.M. and Yoshimura, Y.: Spacecraft Line of Sight Maneuver Control Using Skew-arrayed Two Single-gimbal Control Moment Gyros, 30th ISTS, Kobe (2015).

*(80) Kasai, S. and Kojima, H.: Linear Matrix Inequality-based Steering Control Law of Variable Speed Control Moment Gyros for Flexible Spacecraft, 16th Australian International Aerospace Congress, Melbourne, February 23-26 (2015).

*(79) Kojima, H., Kunugi, K. and Iwamoto, H.: Control of Bending/Torsional Vibration of Tape Tether using Smart Film Sensors/Actuators, 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, September 29-October 4(2014).

*(78) Kasai, S. and Kojima, H.: Gain-scheduled Steering Control Law of Variable Speed CMG for Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver, AIAA, Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Boston, August 18-21(2013).

*(77) Kasai, S., Kojima, H., Sakai, M. and Satoh, M.: Gain-scheduled Steering Control Law of Variable Speed CMG for Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver, 29th ISTS, Nagoya, June 2-9(2013).

*(76) Taruoka, Y. and Kojima, H.: Feedback Control for In-plane Payload Capture Using Tethered Satellite System, 29th ISTS, Nagoya, June 2-9 (2013).

*(75) Koike, K. and Kojima, H.:Optimal Control of a Tether-assisted Re-entry Body System, 29th ISTS, Nagoya, June 2-9 (2013).

*(74) Aoki, H. and Kojima, H.: Periodic Motion Stabilization of Electrodynamic Tether System by Combining Tether Length Control and Current Control, 29th ISTS, Nagoya, June 2-9 (2013).

*(73) Kunugi, K., Hiroyuki Iwamoto, H., and Kojima, H.: Vibration Control of Tape Tether using Smart Film Sensors and Actuators, 29th ISTS, Nagoya, June 2-9(2013).

*(72) Kojima, H., and Kasai, S.: Gain-scheduled Steering Control Law for Adaptive Skew Pyramid-type CMGs, 15th Australian International Aerospace Congress, Melbourne, February 25- 28(2013).

*(71) Kasai, S., Kojima, H., Satoh, M. : Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver using Two Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyros, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 13-16(2012).

*(70) Fujii, A.H., Watanabe, T., Sahara, H., Kojima, H., Takehara, S., Yamagiwa, Y., Sasaki, S., Tanaka, K., Oyama, K., Johnson, L., Khazanov, G.V., Sanmartin J.R., Charro, M., Kruijff, M., van der Heide, E. J., Garcia de Quiros, F.J., Trivailo, P.M., and Williams, P. : Space Demonstration of Bare Electrodynamics Tape-Tether Technology on the Sounding Rocket S520-25, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control, Portland, Oregon, August 8-11 (2011).

*(69) Kojima, H., Matsuda, H., and Yamaguchi, S.: Singularity Visualization and Steering Control Law of Adaptive Skew Pyramid Type CMGs, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control, Portland, Oregon, August 8-11 (2011).

*(68) Kojima, H., Matsuda, N. and Yamaguchi, S. :Development of Adaptive Skew Pyramid Type CMGs, 28th ISTS, Naha, Okinawa, June5-12, 2011

*(67) Kojima, H. and Haga, T. and Trivailo, P. M. :Development of Miniature Experimental Setup for Emulating Aerial Towed Tether System Motion, 2011 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Melbourne, February 28- March 3, 2011.

(66) Kojima, H.: Estimation of Rotational Axis and Attitude Variation of Satellite by Integrated Image Processing, Numerical Simulation, Intech Online Book, Numerical Simulation Theory and Application, ISBN 978-953-307-389-7, Chapter 22, pp.479-494(2011)

(65) Lee, K.W., Kojima, H., and Trivailo, P. M. :Applications of Optimal Trajectory Planning and Invariant Manifold Based Control for Robotic Systems in Space, Advances in Spacecraft Technologies, Chapter 22, Intech Online Book(2011).

*(64) Kojima, H. and Kasai, S. :Input-Shaped Link Motion for Attitude Control of Underactuated Planar Space Robot Equipped with Flexible Appendages, IFAC Nara, September 6-10, 2010.

*(63) Furukawa, Y., and Kojima, H. :Emulation of Chaotic Librational Motion of Tethered Satellite System in Elliptic Orbits by Ground-based Experimental Setup, MOVIC2010, Tokyo, August 17-20, 2010.

*(62) Matsuda, N., and Kojima, H. :Steering Control Law of Adaptive Skew Pyramid Type CMGs for Fast Attitude Maneuvres, MOVIC2010, Tokyo, August 17-20, 2010.

*(61) Watanabe, T., Sukegawa, M., and Kojima, H. :Storage Strategy of a Long Tape Tether and Analysis of Deployment Behavior, MOVIC2010, Tokyo, August 17-20, 2010.

*(60) Nishi, K. and Kojima, H. :Aerial Robot Performance by Link Motion, MOVIC2010, Tokyo, August 17-20, 2010.

*(59) Kojima, H. and Iwashima, H. :Libration Synchronization Control of Clustered Electrodynamic Tether System Using Kuramoto Model, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2-5, 2010.

*(58) Kojima, H., and Furukawa, Y. :Experimental Verification of Chaotic Librational Motion of Tethered Satellite System in Elliptic Orbit, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technology, Chicago, IL, Aug.9-13, 2009.

*(57) Watanabe, T., Fujii, H. A., Mazawa, T., Sukegawa, M., Kojima, H., and Sahara, H. :Experiments of Electro Dynamic Tether System Using Bare Tape Tether and Development of the Tape Tether Deployer, 27th ISTS, Tsukuba, 2009.

*(56) Kojima, H., and Sugimoto, T. :Switching Delayed Feedback Control of Electrodynamic Tether System in Elliptic Orbit, 27th ISTS, Tsukuba, 2009.

*(55) Takada, K., Kojima, H., and Matsuda, N. :CMG Singularity Avoidance Steering Control Based on Singular Surface Cost Function, 27th ISTS, Tsukuba, 2009.

*(54) Sugimoto, Y., Kojima, H., Watanabe, T., and Fujii, H. A. :Dynamics and Control of Tethered Satellite Systems with a Climber, 27th ISTS, Tsukuba, 2009.

*(53) Kojima, H., and Furukawa, Y. Experimental Verification of Chaotic Librational Motion of Tethered Satellite System in Elliptic Orbit, 27th ISTS, Tsukuba, 2009.

*(52) Kojima, H., Matsuda, N., Takada, K. :Adaptive Skewing Pyramid Type CMGs for Fast Attitude Maneuver, 27th ISTS, Tsukuba, 2009.

*(51) Kojima, H., and Sugimoto, T. :Stability Analysis of Periodic Motion of Electrodynamic Tether System in Elliptic Orbit, AIAA-2008-6978, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 18-21 August(2008).

*(50) Kojima, H., and Kasahara, S. :Invariant Manifold Based Switching Control of Two-Dimensional Free-Flying Space Robot, AIAA-2008-6261, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 18-21 August(2008).

*(49) Hagioka, R., and Kojima, H. :Formation Flight Control of Airships by Virtual Structure and Sliding Mode Control, in Genova Italy, June 25-27(2008), Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, pp.9-21(2009).

*(48) Kojima, H., and Sugimoto, T. :Stability Analysis of In-plane and Out-of-plane Motion of Electrodynamic Tether System in Elliptic Orbit, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, Genova Italy, June 25-27 (2008).

*(47) Kojima, H., and Tomikawa, M. :Model Predictive Control for Deflection Limiting Maneuver of Flexible Structure, 2008 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26 (2008)

*(46) Trivailo, P. M., Fujii, H. A., Kojima, H., and Watanabe, T. :Multi-Constrained Optimal Control of 3D Robot Arm Manipulator, ISTS08-d-05, ISTS Hamamatsu, June 1-7 (2008).

*(45) Fujii, H. A., Watanabe T., Kusagaya, T., Kojima, H., Oyama, K., Sasaki, S., Tanaka K., Abe, T., Shimoyama, M., Yamagiwa, H., Cho, M., Kashihara, K., Hada, T., Sanmartin, J. R., Charro, M., Hilgers, A., Lebreton, J.-P., van der Heide, E.J., Kruijiff., M., Pascale, F. D., William, J., Rubin, B., Johnson, C. L., Khazanov, G. V., and Trivailo, P. M. :Space Experiment of Bare Tape-Tether Technology on the Sounding Rocket S520-25th, ISTS08-r-1-10, ISTS Hamamatsu, June 1-7 (2008).

*(44) Watanabe, T., Fujii, H. A., Kojima, H., Takikawa, H., Yukizane, M., and Ito, K. :Micor Gravity Experiment and Three Dimensional Dynamic Analysis of Tethered Sampler, ISTS08-k-12, ISTS Hamamatsu, June,1-7(2008).

*(43) Kojima, H., Soda, M., Usuda, Y., and Kimoto, K. :Estimation of Space Debris Rotation Motion by Iterative Least Square Method, ISTS08-d-63p, ISTS Hamamatsu, June,1-7(2008).

*(42) Kojima, H., and Kasahara S. :Delay-Time Estimated Constant Torque Control for Two-Dimensional Free-Flying Space Robot, ISTS08-d-10, ISTS Hamamatsu, June 1-7 (2008).

*(41) Kojima, H., and Sugimoto, T. :Delayed Feedback Control for Electrodynamic Tether System in Elliptic Orbit, ISTS08-d-19, ISTS in Hamamatsu, June 1-7 (2008).

*(40) Kojima, H., and Tomikawa, M. :Model Predictive Control for Deflection Limiting Maneuver of Flexible Structure, ISTS08-d-18, ISTS in Hamamatsu, June 1-7 (2008).

*(39) Kojima, H. :Sliding Mode Control for Space Debris Elimination, Proceedings Lectures and Workshop International, JAXA-SP-07-008E, pp.98-111(2008).

*(38) Watanabe, T., Fujii, H. A., and Kojima, H. :Quick Deployment of Bare Tape Tether and Introduction of the Sounding Rocket Experiment, AAS 07 - 370, AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, in Mackinac Island, Aug.19-23, (2007).

*(37) Kojima, H., Kimoto, K., and Usuda, Y. :Corresponding Point Detection by Harris Corner Detector and RANSAC, and Attitude Variation Estimation by Eight Point Algorithm, AAS 07-350, AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, in Mackinac Island, Aug.19-23, (2007).

*(36) Takada, K., and Kojima, H. :Receding Horizon Control on Steering of Control Moment Gyro for Fast Attitude Maneuver, AAS 07-356, AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, in Mackinac Island, Aug.19-23, (2007).

*(35) Kojima, H., and Sugimoto, T. :Nonlinear Control of Electro-Dynamic Tether System, AIAA-2006-6766, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Keystone, Aug.20-24, (2006).

*(34) Kojima, H. :Angular Velocity Control of An Asymmetrical Rigid Spacecraft Using Two Constant Control Torques, ISTS2006-d-17, 6, June, Kanazawa, 2006.

*(33) Kojima, H., Kimoto, K., Usuda, Y. :Corrsponding Points Detection for Attitude Motion Estimation by Harris Corner Detector and Random Sample Consnsus Method, ISTS 2006-d87-p, 8, June, Kanazawa, 2006.

*(32) Kojima, H. :Adaptive Deflection Limiting Control for Flexible Space Structure, 56th International Astronautics Conference, Oct.17-22, Fukuoka, (2005).

*(31) Kojima, H., Usuda, Y., and Kobayashi, T. :Spacecraft Edge Extraction by Wavelet Transformation, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Aug.7-11, (2005).

*(30) Fujii, H. A., Tsunamoto, Y., Kojima, H., and Watanabe, T. :Periodic Motion of Compound-tether Satellite System on Elliptic Orbits, IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems (PSYCO 04), Aug.30-Sep.1, Yokohama, pp.445-449(2004).

*(29) Kojima, H. :Attitude Alignment of an Asymmetrical Rigid Spacecraft using Two Impulsive Control Torques, IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems (PSYCO 04), Aug.30-Sep.1, Yokohama, pp.62-67(2004).

*(28) Watanabe, T., Makida, T., Fujii, H. A., Kojima, H., and Singhose, W. :An Application of Input Shaping for Electrodynamic Tether System, AIAA-2004-5313 AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Aug.16-19, Providence, RI., (2004).

*(27) Kojima, H., Aoyama, S., and Yajima, K. :Formation Flight Using Feature-Based Visual Servo Technique, AIAA-2004-4738, AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Aug.16-19, Providence, RI., (2004).

*(26) Fujii, H. A., Watanabe, T., and Kojima, H. :Combined Optimization for Configuration and Control Algorithm of a Tethered Space Solar Power Satellite, IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems:Theroy and Application, July 26-29, Osaka, pp.361-366(2004).

*(25) Fujii, H. A., Nakanishi, K., Mizuguchi, Y., and Kojima, H. :Experimental Study on Drum Type Tether Reeling Device, pp.444-449, Proceedings of 24th ISTS, May 31-June 6(selected paper).

*(24) Kojima,H., Fukudome, H., Watanabe, T., Fujii, H. A., Robertson, M.J. and Singhose, W. :Adaptive Input Shaping Control for Slewing Flexible Space Structure, pp.474-470, Proceedings of 24th ISTS, May 31-June 6(selected paper).

*(23) Kojima, H. :Fly-around Motion Control Using Geometrical Differential Theory, 10th ISCOPS, Tokyo, Dec.10-12,C1-10, AAS03-383, pp.325-341(2003).

*(22) Kojima, H., Yoneshima, H., Hashimoto, T., and Fujii, H. A. :Reduction of Tumbling Motion by Contact Forces with Cushion Damper on Space Robot Manipulator, 10th ISCOPS, Tokyo, Dec.10-12, C1-09, AAS03-382, pp.305-323(2003).

*(21) Williams, P., Blanksby C., Trivailo, P., Fujii, H. A. and Kojima, H. :Dynamics and Control of Platform-Supported-Two-Tether-Subsatelllite System, 10th ISCOPS, Tokyo, Dec.10-12, C1-05, AAS03-378, pp.245-264(2003).

*(20) Watanabe, T., Taniue, M., Kobayashi, N., Fujii, H. A., Kojima, H., and Sasaki S. :Tether Control for Attitude Motion of Space Solar Power System 10th ISCOPS, Tokyo, Dec.10-12, C1-04, AAS03-377, pp.237-244(2003).

*(19) Sekikawa, K., Fujii, H. A., Watanabe, T., and Kojima, H. :Control of Flexible Solar Panel by Employment of Tether Tension, 10th ISCOPS, Tokyo, Dec.10-12, C1-02, AAS03-376, pp.231-236(2003).

*(18) Singhose, W. , Robertson, M., Watanabe, T., Kojima, H., and Banerjee, A. :Tether-Based Actuators for Space Applications, 2003 International Workshop on Advanced Sensors, Structural Health Monitoring, and Smart Structures, Keio Unverversity, 10-11 November(2003).

*(17) Fujii, A. H., Watanabe, T., Kojima, H., Sekikawa, K., and Kobayashi, N. :Control of Attitude and Vibration of a Tethered Solar Power Satellite, AIAA-Paper2003-5421, AIAA, Navigation, Control and Dynamics Conference, Aug.11-14, Austin, TX, (2003).

*(16) Kojima, H and Nakajima, N. :Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimization by a Hierarchical Gradient Algorithm with Fuzzy Decision Logic, AIAA-Paper2003-5568, AIAA, Navigation, Control and Dynamics Conference, Aug.11-14, Austin, TX, (2003).

*(15) Kojima, H. :Position and Attitude Adaptive Controller Based on Exact Linearization, AIAA-Paper2003-5508, AIAA, Navigation, Control and Dynamics Conference, Austin, TX, Aug. 11-14, (2003).

*(14) Kojima, H. and Hashimoto, T. :Attitude Stabilization of an Asymmetrical Rigid Spacecraft Using Two Impulsive Control Torques, AAS2003-583, AAS/AIAA Astrodyanmics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, MT, Aug.4-7, Astrodyanamics in the Astronautical sciences Vol.166, PartII pp.1281-1290(2003).

*(13) Kojima, H., Mukai, T., Tanaka, M., and Fujii, H. A. :Target Capture via Sliding-Mode Control Incorporating Manipulator Singularity Avoidance, MOVIC2002, 0121, Urawa, Aug. 19-22, pp.478-483(2002).

*(12) Kojima, H., Murase, T. and Fujii, H. A. :Analysis of Vibrational Motion of Space Solar Power Station(SSPS) by Substruture Synthesis Method, 1st Asia Multibody Dynamics Conference, pp.459-464, Iwaki, July 29-August 2, (2002).

*(11) Kojima, H., Nakajima, N., Kato, S., and Fujii, H. A. :Minimum Time Control for Flexible Manipulator of Free-Flying Space Robot, 1st Asia Multibody Dynamics Conference, pp.564-569, Iwaki, July 29-August 2, (2002).

(10) Kojima, H., Nakajima, N., Tanaka, S. and Fujii, H. A. :Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimization of Slew Maneuver of Flexible Space Structure, Sagamihara, 2002 ISAS 12th Workshop on Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics, July 29-30, pp.143-152 (2002).

*(9) Fujii, H. Taniue, M., Kojima, H. and Murase, T. :Attitude Stabilization of a Tethered Solar Power Satellite, ISTS23-d-44, Matsue, May 28-June 2, pp.875-880(2002).

*(8) Kojima, H., Yoneshima, H. :End-Effector Trajectory to Avoid Collision with Undesirable Point of Target, ISTS23-d-07, Matsue, May 28-June 2, pp.691-696(2002).

*(7) Kojima, H. and Mukai, T. :Attitude Synchronization with Tumbling Satellite Motion Using Adaptive Sliding Mode Control,ISTS23-d-54,Matsue, May 30, pp.936-941(2002).

*(6) Fujii, H. A., Tsunamoto, Y., Kojima, H. and Kusagaya, T. :Nonlinear Optimal Control in Attitude Maneuver of Space Shuttle,ISTS23-g-08,Matsue, May 30, pp.1545-1550(2002).

*(5) An, A., Xu, K., Fujii, H., Kusagaka, T., Kojima, H. and Iwasaki, M. :Nonlinear Optimal Control in Space Satellite Application,AAS 01-366, Advances in the Astronautical Science, Vol II, (Ed. by David B. Spencer, Calina C. Seybold, Arun K. Misra, and Ronald J. Lisowski), pp. 887-895(2001).

(4)Kojima, H. :Optimization of the End-Effector Trajectory to Suppress the Attitude Variation and to Reduce Impulsive Force Simultaneously at Capturing a Target, ISAS 10th Workshop on Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics, pp.281-285(2000).

*(3) Kojima, H., and Nakamura, S. :Gravity-Gradient Stability of Space Structures Under Variation of Configuration, 22nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, f-28, Morioka, pp.1284-1289(2000).

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